How Does ClickFunnels Work? Software Explained

Running a business online is not easy. But you might have heard about ClickFunnels, being a magical solution to a lot of the problems you’re having… But how does ClickFunnels work?

In this post, we’ll go over the tool, how it works, how it can help you with your online business, to get more customers and sales and why websites are pretty much “dead”.

How Does ClickFunnels Work

What Is ClickFunnels

First off and in case you don’t already know, ClickFunnels is a sales funnel building software at heart (although it’s not exclusive to sales funnels). It was created back in 2015 by Russell Brunson, who realized that websites weren’t cutting it to sell his products any more, and decided to do something about it.

He understood that sales funnels was the way to go forth. 

Sales funnels, were pages that were optimized for specific actions, as opposed to what traditional websites were. And sales funnels in particular, allowed him to increase his advertising spend, to make more profit per customer, by adding upsells.

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After realizing that sales funnels were important, he started to create his own funnels to sell other products, and after running around in circles, chasing his programmers and developers, for every single little tweak he needed to make, he decided to create his own software which would later become ClickFunnels.


As you can see from the video, every business needs a funnel, and a sales funnel in particular.

Firstly, because websites, generally speaking, aren’t made for converting visitors into customers, and second, because upsells (a more complete sales funnel) allows for the business to get more profit per customer, to scale faster.

Pretty neat, no?

How Does ClickFunnels Work?

Essentially, the tool allows you to create simple pages, using their famous drag and drop page builder that are optimized for conversions, whether that be leads, sales, to schedule a call, or any specific action you want your visitor to take.

This page builder was pretty revolutionary, and was made so that people who necessarily didn’t know much about coding, could still manage to build their funnels within minutes. Plus, the builder was later replicated by Other Companies because of it’s massive success, and is pretty much seems to be the foundation of a personal favourite of mine Elementor.

Using the page builder, you can create landing pages, squeeze pages, sales pages and much more, plus ClickFunnels has a template library with proven to convert funnels for things like ebooks, dentist, nutritional supplements and so on, from landing page, to order and bump page, registration page…all of it.

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Basically, they’ve got an archive of scientifically tested (and “battle” tested, as in tested with traffic) and proven to convert complete funnel templates, which makes it super easy to customize your own, and knowing that it’ll very likely convert amazingly.

All you have to do, to create your first sales funnels using ClickFunnels, is head over to your dashboard, choose a style of funnel you want to create, and start editing. If you want to start from scratch, you can do so too.

Apart from being very easy to use, the software allows you to add upsells, downsells, crossells and the likes, very easily, as you can see from the video below, in which a sales funnel for a digital product has been set up. 

As you can see, creating a sales funnel with ClickFunnels, not only is easy, but it’s pretty much 100% necessary especially if you’re doing any sort of paid advertising.


Because like we’ve mentioned before, unlike front pages of websites which allow visitors to do hundreds of different things and not just one of them very frequently, sales funnel pages (especially the landing pages) allow for just a few: The visitor can take an action, or they can leave.

This is massive, because if you send your potential customer over to an email optin page, instead of your homepage, you have a lot higher chance of capturing that traffic, right there and then, which means you won’t have to pay extra, to get that potential customer, to come back to your store through retargeting.

In addition to this, you’ll have multiple instances to re-contact that visitor in the future, or to keep culturing your relationship with him or her, which gives you more chances of turning your visitors into customers, as well as selling more products down the line too.

What Is ClickFunnels 4
Customers wandering around your site, vs going through a ClickFunnels funnel

Where To Get ClickFunnels

Okay so that answers the question “how does ClickFunnels work”.

Now you see the power of ClickFunnels, you’re ready to hop on and become the next ClickFunnels expert, user and take your online endeavours to the next level. 

How you do you start with Clickfunnels? Where do you grab a copy of the software?

To be able to get access to the funnel building software, you’ll need to create an account which You Can Do here. This will give you a free 14 day free trial for the software, in which you’ll be able to add unlimited pages, unlimited funnels and much more, and you can cancel the trial at any time.

After the trial, the software is currently $97/month for the standard version and $297/month for the Unlimited Version.

The price is a bit expensive, and There Are Alternatives out there, but ClickFunnels is by far the best in the space, by a lot.

Happy building!  

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