How Much Is Helium 10? Pricing Plans, Best Option And Coupon

If you’re interested in selling your products, or someone else’s products, on the Amazon marketplace, and you want to get one of the best software platforms out there to help you with the job, then Helium 10 is probably something you’ve either heard about, or are already actively looking for.

Software as a service (SAAS) platforms of this kind usually have very complex pricing options, special fees and different restrictions…and Helium 10 is no different. It gives you a ton of options to choose from, and the platform itself, is already pretty complex too.

In this post, we’ll be going over the very common question “How much is Helium 10?”. We’ll be looking at what each plan costs, what you can do with each of them, as well as give you options to make use of a very special discount/coupon code in case you’re ready to take the software to the ring.

What Is Helium 10?

If you were looking for the search term “how much is Helium 10”, chances are, you’re already pretty familiar with the software.

But in case you aren’t, what is the Helium 10 platform?

Helium 10 is a SAAS platform, that bundles together and offers out to its users, a huge array of different tools, services and features, to help them do anything and everything they need to do, when it comes to selling products on Amazon.

Helium 10 gives you the ability to scour through a 450 million product ASIN database to validate your product’s success, see analytics, seasonal trends, estimate profits, do keyword research with a reverse ASIN search up, create optimized listings to increase rankings, add different alerts, security tools, email marketing and even gives you marketing tips and tricks, complete courses, access to private trainings, a community…and a bunch of other things.

With over 20 different, distinct tools, over 700,000 customers, worldwide and processing around $1.4 billion dollars in monthly sales, Helium 10 is easily one of the most robust, powerful, and established all-in-one platforms for Amazon sellers out there. Hands down.

How Much Is Helium 10?: The Different Plans

So just like with many other SAAS platforms of this type, Helium 10, has a bunch of different options for you to choose from, to allow you to have full flexibility and for you to feel comfortable that you have what you need, and if you don’t, that you’re a few steps away, without even having to commit much at all.

So how much is Helium 10? Well, there are 4 different pricing plans dor the platform. These are: the free version, a la carte, Platinum, Diamond and Elite.

Each version, gives you access to a different set of tools and a different set of restrictions.

Let’s look at the different plans and what you can get with each of them.

How Much Is Helium 10

Helium 10 Free Plan – $0/month

The Helium 10 free plan, is exactly what it’s advertised as. It’s 100%.

The good thing about the Helium 10 Free plan, is that it gives you access to literally ALL of the tools inside the platform (as of the writing of this article) which is not something a lot of other companies and alternatives out there do.

With that said, you’ll only get limited (and in some cases…pretty extremely limited) access or mileage out of the tool.

Here, are the different tools and features that you’ll be getting with the Helium 10 free plan, and their limitations.

Black Box – Maximum 20 uses.
Trendster – Up to 30 days.
Magnet2 – 2 Searches per day.
Cerebro – 2 Searches per day.
Frankenstein – Up to 30 days.
Scribbles – Up to 30 days.
Index Checker – Up to 6 uses
Keyword Tracker – Up to 20 keywords
Alerts (listing monitoring)– Up to 2 ASIN
Inventory Protection (coupon abuse)– Unlimited
Refund Genie – Limited
Xray (Product research tool) – 50 Uses
Profits (financial analytics) – Up to 30 days
Follow-Up (email automation) – NOT INCLUDED
Multi-User Login – NOT INCLUDED
Monthly Training – NOT INCLUDED
In-person Workshops – NOT INCLUDED
Access To Facebook Group – NOT INCLUDED
Freedom Ticket Training – NOT INCLUDED

So as you can see, while you’ll be getting access to all of the different tools with the free Helium 10 plan, you’ll be getting them at a restriction, some daily, some for a limited time, and some strictly for a few uses, period.

Also, as for the other services like the trainings, FaceBook group and so on…these are simply not available for the free plan at all.

The Helium 10 free plan, is a great way to get to know the platform, to see if it’s something fit for you. 

Helium 10 A La Carte – $-/-

This plan, allows you to get, some of the Helium 10 tools, without having to get them all together. 

This allows you to cherry-pick the different tools that you will be using and overall helps you save money, since access to all of the tools at an unlimited usage is set only for the Platinum plan and beyond.

With that said, some of the tools are NOT available to the a la carte option (as you can see from the list below), like the Helium 10 Frankenstein or the Helium 10 Scribbles. So that is something to keep in mind.

Also, be sure to gauge whether or not, it’s not best for you to upgrade to the Helium 10 Platinum plan, since paying for 2 or 3 tools, via the a la carte method, already almost costs the same as the other plans.

Here are the available tools, and the prices for them, for the a la carte method:  

Black Box – $37/month
Magnet2 – $37/month
Cerebro – $37/month
Frankenstein – UNAVAILABLE
Index Checker – $17/month
Keyword Tracker – $57/month
Alerts (listing monitoring)– $37/month
Inventory Protection (coupon abuse)– Unlimited
Refund Genie – $97/month
Xray (Product research tool) – $17/month
Profits (financial analytics) – $37/month
Follow-Up (email automation) – NOT INCLUDED
Multi-User Login – NOT INCLUDED
Monthly Training – NOT INCLUDED
In-person Workshops – NOT INCLUDED
Access To Facebook Group – NOT INCLUDED
Freedom Ticket Training – NOT INCLUDED

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Helium 10 Platinum – $97/month

The Helum 10 Platinum plan, is the main, cheapest and most popular paid plan for the Helium 10 platform, that gives you access to all of the major tools from within the platform (except for example, the multi-user login option).

The pricing for this plan, is $97/month, and not only does it give you access to the tools, but it also unlocks some of the offers and services like the follow-ups and the really cool Freedom Ticket online program/course.

Do note that even though the Helium 10 platinum plan gives you a fairly reasonable limit, when it comes to tools like the Helium 10 Keyword tracker and the Helium 10 Alerts…the Helium 10 Diamond and Elite plans, allow for an even broader limit to these tools, in case you need it. 

Here are the tools and mileage you can get out of the platform, by choosing the Platinum plan:

Black Box – Included (unlimited)
Trendster – Included (unlimited)
Magnet2 -Included (unlimited)
Cerebro – Included (unlimited)
Frankenstein – Included (unlimited)
Scribbles – Included (unlimited)
Index Checker – 150 uses per month
Keyword Tracker – Up to 2,500 keywords 
Alerts (listing monitoring)– Up to 300 ASINs
Inventory Protection (coupon abuse)– Included (unlimited)
Refund Genie – Included (unlimited)
Xray (Product research tool) – Included (unlimited)
Profits (financial analytics) – Included (unlimited)
Follow-Up (email automation) – Up to 5,000 emails per month
Multi-User Login – NOT INCLUDED
Monthly Training – NOT INCLUDED
In-person Workshops – NOT INCLUDED
Access To Facebook Group – NOT INCLUDED
Freedom Ticket Training – Included

Helium 10 Diamond – $197/month

The Helium 10 Diamon plan, costs $197/month, and is the next down the line in the Helium 10 pricing plan options.

The main difference between the Helium 10 Diamond plan, and the Platinum plan, is that the Diamon plan allows for some extension of the usage and limit of some of the tools like the Follow-up email automation, the alerts, the keyword tracker and the index checker.

To top it off, this plan allows for additional logins for your account in case you have a team or virtual assistants that you want have access to your account for whatever reason.

Black Box – Included (unlimited)
Trendster – Included (unlimited)
Magnet2 -Included (unlimited)
Cerebro – Included (unlimited)
Frankenstein – Included (unlimited)
Scribbles – Included (unlimited)
Index Checker – 300 uses per month
Keyword Tracker – Up to 5,000 keywords 
Alerts (listing monitoring)– Up to 600 ASINs
Inventory Protection (coupon abuse)– Included (unlimited)
Refund Genie – Included (unlimited)
Xray (Product research tool) – Included (unlimited)
Profits (financial analytics) – Included (unlimited)
Follow-Up (email automation) – Up to 15,000 emails per month
Multi-User Login – Included. Up to 3 users
Monthly Training – NOT INCLUDED
In-person Workshops – NOT INCLUDED
Access To Facebook Group – NOT INCLUDED
Freedom Ticket Training – Included

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Helium 10 Elite – $397/month

Finally, we have the Helium 10 Elite plan.

This plan, is the most expensive plan out of all, and obviously, it’s also the most complete one. 

Not only does the Helium 10 Elite plan, give you access to all of the tools in a virtually unrestricted manner (like the priced plans do) but it also maxes out the capacity for the tools that had a limit.

With this plan, you’ll get a boost in the Index Checker limit, a boost in the Alerts limit (to up to 1000 ASINs) and a boost to up to 50,000 emails per month, in the follow-up tool. That’s more than three times what you’d get with the previous option, and it’s something you definitely want to have available to you, especially when you’re wanting to scale your product selling.

Apart from this (and here’s where personally I think the Helium 10 Elite plan, really shines), you’ll get access to the features and services that you didn’t have access to in the other plans: The trainings, the workshops, and the Facbook group.

These are extremely powerful and very valuable resources to have and can easily be worth the investment. It’s been proven time and time again, that you need to interact closely with others that are doing as well or better than you…but that definitely in the same realms and domains as you, and the hands-on training, personal training and FaceBook group…are just that.

These are all of the features of the Helium 10 Elite plan:

Black Box – Included (unlimited)
Trendster – Included (unlimited)
Magnet2 -Included (unlimited)
Cerebro – Included (unlimited)
Frankenstein – Included (unlimited)
Scribbles – Included (unlimited)
Index Checker – 500 uses per month
Keyword Tracker – Up to 5,000 keywords 
Alerts (listing monitoring)– Up to 1000 ASINs
Inventory Protection (coupon abuse)– Included (unlimited)
Refund Genie – Included (unlimited)
Xray (Product research tool) – Included (unlimited)
Profits (financial analytics) – Included (unlimited)
Follow-Up (email automation) – Up to 50,000 emails per month
Multi-User Login – Included. Up to 5 users
Monthly Training – Included
In-person Workshops – Included
Access To Facebook Group – Included
Freedom Ticket Training – Included

The Helium 10 current pricing options, plans and tools

Helium 10 Coupon Code

If you’re interested in getting started with the Helium 10 platform, right away as a paying customer, you can actually go ahead and get a discount, by using our coupon code, here or by clicking on any one of the buttons or coupon code vouchers on this page.

The idea behind these, is that it’ll allow you to get a discount on your subscription, and you can currently choose from 2 different options. You can either choose:

  • 50% OFF Option. This option, gives you 50% off of your first month of the platform, on any one of the plans. It’s best for those of you who’re interested mainly in the tools, but who also want to try out the FaceBook group, and the coaching, for a month, at half the price. 

  • 10% OFF Option. This option, gives you a 10% discount every month on any one of the paid plans, and is the best for those of you who’re more interested in using the platform for the long-term.

It’s hard to tell which option is better, since it’ll depend on the situation, but a good idea, is to use the 50% coupon code to try out the Helium 10 Elite plan since it’ll give you access to the tools, coaching, training and FaceBook group, or alternatively, you could use the 10% coupon to do something like, save yourself $40/month on the Elite plan, or make the Platinum plan, that much cheaper.   

You can also choose to go with an annual plan (to which you can also apply the coupon code) of either the Platinum or the Diamond plan, which would take the price to $970/year and $1970/year respectively, and essentially shaves off 2 whole months of paying for the platform. 

As of right now, you can’t actually get the Helium 10 Elite plan, at a yearly subscription, but it might be something that changes in the future.

If you want to learn more about the Helium 10 platform, feel free to check out our complete helium 10 review, here.

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