MarketerMagic Review 1

The Ultimate MarketerMagic Review [By Kevin David]

Hey there! Welcome to this MarketerMagic Review!

MarketerMagic is a brand new exciting marketing tool, created by Kevin David, that has recently popped up in the market and it’s praised to make waves. Big time.

I was a bit curious about it, since it seemed really interesting and useful (Plus the guy behind it is a very well know, respected entrepreneur) so i dove in, and signed up as a member

After checking out the tools…i was really surprised. ?

The tools are easy to use, the dashboard looks great and flows beautifully…overall it does it’s job very well, in that it’s a suite of tools that help marketers ditch expensive or inefficient tools they might have used in the past, and helps them save a bunch of money and time.

They also give access to a free trial for all users, if you want to give it a go (more on that later).

Okay, so that’s all nice and all…but is it something that you should get? Is it worth having?

Let’s find out!

MarketerMagic Review 2

What Is MarketerMagic? 

MarketerMagic, created by Kevin David, is a SAAS (software as a service) for online marketers, that is definitely packing a punch and bringing some awesome tools to the table, some of which have never been seen before.

Being a SAAS means that you don’t need to download or install anything. Instead, everything is cloud based, which just essentially means…it’s…well, in the cloud somewhere (it’s just a metaphor for the internet, don’t stress). ⛅

Now, the platform, has some really interesting claims. MarketerMagic claims, that it’ll allow you to:

-Better your email deliverability.
-Filter out fake emails and higher your optin conversions across your landing pages.
-Allow you to find thousands of potential leads with a click of a button (yes, 1 click).
-Retarget people who go to a page that you don’t own.

And a few other things.

MarketerMagic Review 3

I Created An Account…Here’s What Happened

So, right from the get go, the dashboard looks great. The light green and light blue colors, look real neat together. 

On the left sidebar, you get access a help section, the settings, and access to all the tools. Alternatively you’ll have access to only some of the tools, depending on the price plan you chose. More on that later.

At the top section, you have access to your account, marketer university and also a link to their facebook group for you to chat with other users and to get more help in case you need. This is a great place to give some suggestions! The platform is always updating, and you can be sure that there will be exciting add ons, in the near future, and you can be a part of them! ?

Also, in the middle of the dashboard you have a quick access section to the tools, so you can very simply just click on them from there, and be taken over to each of them directly.

Overall, the tools are really simple to use, and they’ve not stuffed 20 Or 30 Tools there like some other platforms. Not that’s a bad thing either! But personally, i think the ones they’re offering right now, are a perfect amount. However since they’ll be updating like we mentioned, they will probably have a few more tools eventually.

Okay, now let’s go over the tools and features of MarketerMagic, one by one. Shall we?

MarketerMagic Review 4
Very beautiful simple dashboard. Love it.

Marketer University

In this section of MarketerMagic, Kevin David goes over every single tool in detail, from start to finish, in video format. At this moment in time, there are 9 full videos, and it’s probably the first thing you should check out in fact. And by check out, i mean watch in it’s entirety.

You see, because the training is valued at $497, and you get it for free, but it it’ll expire from the dashboard in 48 hours, according to one of the emails that get sent out as soon as you sign up (probably only for the trial version though).

The training is actually pretty nice. Kevin David goes over, in the complete MarketerMagic platform throughout this course, which is only around 1 hour long in total so not too bad.

When you watch the complete video course Marketer University until the end, you’ll get a sweet prize! But i’m not going to spoil anything, you’ll just have to see for yourselves.

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Marketer University videos

What Tools Are Inside MarketerMagic? 

Now for the juicy part. 🙂 

Inside of MarketerMagic, you’ll have access to:


“Nothing attracts a crowd like a crowd”. ClickProof is a social proof app, that allows real social proof to be added to your pages. Personally, i feel they’re pretty annoying, since they pop up all the time… but the customer might not think so!

Social proof is massive, and it might be the difference between a customer buying something or not, and nothing increases conversions like showing people, that other people are interested. Plus the widget that does pop up, appears as “verified” with a blue tick, ala “verified Instagram accounts”. A nice touch, indeed.

The real cool thing about ClickProof, is that all you have to do, is add the page URL to the MarketerMagic dashboard, generate the widget, paste the code on your page, and then call the code with a button. Simple stuff 😛 .

As for the types of social proof, you can choose from recent activity (displays recent customer activity), live count (“x amount of people are viewing this page”), or custom, which allow you to add your own text.

MarketerMagic Review 6
ClickProofs allow for the social proof widgets to pop up on your sites.

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Live Pic 

LivePic is a way for you to personalize your email campaigns. It allows you to append the customers names, live, and makes it seem as if you’re writing their name. Basically, it makes it look a lot more human.

The guys over at MarketerMagic have gotten ten times the profitability of their email campaigns by customizing their images, so sounds like a winner to me!

You can upload an image of your own, (which you can then edit) or, alternatively, you can use one of their templates (they’ll probably have to add a few more). After that, all you have to do is copy the html code, and add it to the email. Very simple, very effective.

MarketerMagic Review 7
LivePic feature inside the dashboard.


Okay, this tool is awesome, check it out: 

One of the problems that digital marketers face, all the time, is people adding fake emails to your optin pages

Fake emails clog up your SMTPs, which drastically lowers your deliverability rates (You want your emails to ACTUALLY get there, you know what i mean?), and EmailVerifier allows you to filter out fake emails.

There are a few ways to do this with EmailVerifier. The first way, is to periodically clean your list by eliminating the emails through a list upload, which you can do on the platform dashboard. This will give you in return, the emails that are verified and which are invalid. Pretty cool! ?

And the second way, is even more powerful, and it’s the live verifier. The live verifier is a code that you add onto your webpages, which will not allow fake emails to be added to the optin.

This is huge! It’s something that already existed in the past, but not very many people knew about or where using. In fact, some people were charging absurd amounts for something that MaketerMagic, can now solve easily.

HINT: You could go out there and sell the service of adding the code onto other people’s pages, and charge way less, for some easy money!

MarketerMagic Review 8
Live EmailVerifier. All you need to do is copy the code onto the optin page, and you’re done!


Using virtual assistants, is the future. Everybody should be taking advantage of the fact that you can pay people $2-3 per hours to do the same work (or in much cases even better work) that someone that would charge $30-50 would do. 

Workhub basically is a time tracking tool, in the form of a chrome extension. With this tool, you can track payments, salaries, amount of hours and more. The best part is that you can add/invite people, allowing you to control who is working on what project, you can have multiple people on one single project or in multiple projects.

Accountants, graphic artists, adverisers…workhub allows you to keep track of your business very efficiently. You can see how much your employees worked, how active they were, and how much you paid out.

Also, it can automatically screen capture the employees screen at a given time interval, to let you know if they’re doing what they say they’re doing. Sort of like a more badass version of upwork

WorkHub dashboard. You can invite up to 5 member.

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Probably the most exciting feature, by far and one of the coolest tools out there! ManyLeads allows you to find profitable leads absurdly fast.

In the past, for you to find local business to whom you could provide a service to, you’d have to go to google, open all the websites, search for contact information (sometimes bad websites don’t have any!), try to access their social media, or try to SOMEHOW reach out to them…and that would take ages (ever tried doing this? It sucks big time).

To use the app, all you have to do, is select a keyword and a location. After this, ManyLeads will spit back at you, thousands of results, that would otherwise have taken weeks to complete.

Congratulations! You now have a complete list of highly target leads that you can reach out to, with all the contact information, phone numbers and social media accounts! Let’s get crackin’.

ManyLeads tool spits out a TON of lead results depending on keyword and location: Websites, emails, phone numbers…you name it.


Another absurdly great tool.

I mean outside of the WorkHub, which let’s face it, not EVERYONE is going to be using (and even that one being a chrome extension was pretty slick), all of the tools have been very cool. This one is no different.

MiniMe doesn’t look like much at first, but it’s great. Basically, MiniMe allows you to:
✅ Shorten links, just like bitly.
✅ Deep links. Autoredirecting to the final page in mobile without losing traffic.
✅ Link Trees. If you want multiple destinations, just like the linktree on Instagram.
✅ Split Links for split testing. Allows you to send traffic to two different link destinations.
✅ Retargeting. Adding a pixel to a page you don’t own.

This last feature, is VERY intesting. What this allows you to do, is add a pixel code to the MiniMe link. This means that every time the link is clicked, the person gets pixeled, even if you don’t own that page. This, later allows you to create an audience for example on facebook, and retarget to those people, for very cheap!

There was a service out there, similar to this one, that was costing around $150/month, only for this last feature, and MiniMe does that and much more, for a fraction of the price. The fact that it’s also a link shortner on it’s own, is great. Facebook, for example is not very bitly friendly, and MiniMe allows you to bypass that.

MiniMe tool. Link shortner, deep link, retargeting, link tree and link splitter…all in 1 tool.

MarketerMagic Pricing

Alright so let’s look at the pricing.

MarketerMagic goes for $37/month on an annual subscription, or $47/month on a monthly subscription plan for the legenday plan, and $67/month on an annual plan or $97/month on a monthly pan, for the platinum plan. 

The main difference between the two plans, is the amount of “useage” per month, you’ll be able to get out of the platform. So for example with the legendary plan you get 10k Minime clicks, whereas with the platinum you get 100k. You get 5k emails to verify with the EmailVerifier on the Legendary plan and 10K with the platinum plan…and so on.

If you surpass the usage, you get upgraded to the next level. The good thing however is that, you don’t automatically get upgraded in the case of EmailVerifier and WorkHub, as you can see from the pricing image below. 

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This is a very recent update for 2020, since in the past months, you did have the “a-la-carte” option. In which you’d be able to pick and choose which tools you want to have access to you without actually having to get some “less used” tools (the WorkHub isn’t great if you don’t have a team), but unfortunately that option is not available anymore.

This just goes to show that even if these prices and tools seem to be “set in stone”…they’re not, and things are interchangeable (in fact i’ve come back to edit this page, just because of this).

So remember, there is (still) a 7 Day Free Trial Available, and even though you’re limited to a certain number of impressions and searches (absurdly generous though), you should have more than enough room to test drive MarketerMagic. ?

MarketerMagic Pricing

MarketerMagic FAQ’s

Who Is MarketerMagic For?

MarketerMagic, is mainly for digital marketer, facebook advertisers, and agency owners. It’s a suite of tools that focuses on efficiency and flexibility, that allows you to consolidate and explode your business, all in one place.

I’m Only Interested In One Tool. What Can I Do?

As of right now, there is no way for you to only get access to 1 single tool individually, but you may be able to ask the team for a more “a-la-carte” option. All you have to do is head over to their homepage, and try reaching out through the enterprise option.

Are There Any Free Trials?

As or right now, there is a free 7 day trial for MarketerMagic legendary plan which you can Access Here. With it, you get access to all the tools and a pretty insane amount of credits, in the form of impressions, clicks, users, searches and more.

You get a bunch of credits to play around with, in the free trial

How Does The Free Trial Work?

The free trial gives you a pretty huge amount of free credits to try out these amazing tools. They will require your credit card information, but only to continue the subscription, if you decide to use the software. Other than that, you can use each tool to a certain degree.

NOTE: I had somewhat of an issue here… 

On the homepage, you’re told you can easily cancel the subscription from within the dashboard, but i wasn’t able to find anything (i always check those kinds of things). Also, there is a clause, on their website which reads:

“The free trial give you a generous amount of free credits to try our amazing suite of conversion optimization apps – if you never use the tools you NEVER get charged its as simple as that”


So, if i use the tools while in the trial, i get charged? What’s the point of a trial then? Anyways, i reach out to support regarding this, and this is what i got as a response:

Basically, don’t worry about it. As long as you contact support, if you decide not to continue using MarketerMagic, you should be good to go.

NOTE 2: They actually went out and modified the text after i pointed this out. Even Kevin David agreed with me on this one. 🙂 

Is There Any Support? 


As far as i know there is chat support from within the dashboard. There is a FaceBook group, where you can post your questions. There is the support email. And finally, there is also the messenger chat as well. 

Is MarketerMagic Easy To Use?

The tools are super easy to use it’s crazy. They’ve done a great job at leaving the dashboard looking great, at all times throughout each of the steps you need to take, (which are not many) while using every tool. 

I Want To Make Money With MarketerMagic, How Can I Do So?

A great way to make some money with MarketerMagic, is by offering their services!

In the training Kevin David explains he used to reach out to instagram influencers who had promoted links that weren’t deeplinks. What would happen is, people would click on the links, but would be taken to the web browser inside their phone, and not to their app…which would lose them a lot of potential clients!

Kevin would reach out to them, show them the problem, and charge them a fix price to add the deeplink link to their pages (MiniMe deeplinks). And boom. Happy customer and money in the bag. You can do the same! ?

Similarly, you could sell a link tree service, or add the EmailVerifier code to client optin pages, the email html codes for LivePic or the social proof code to their sales pages, at a one time fee or at a monthy retainer! Totally up to you. 

If you have a hard time finding clients, you can use ManyLeads to do so. You could even offer potential users, this exact same software through the MarketerMagic Partner Program

There is really a whole lot you can do to make money with MarketerMagic. No excuses anymore.


So, that will be the end of this MarketerMagic review! 

All in all, a really cool and fresh solution to some pretty important (and in some cases massively important) problems that us marketers have, and are having, on a daily basis. 

I was gladly surprised with the platform and the tools. It genuinely is a very useful set of tools that are very easy to use (i mean, freaking drop dead easy). 

I’d suggest you test the waters by checking out their Home Page. I’m 100% sure you’ll love the tools as much as i did. Especially MiniMe and EmailVerifier

Hope you enjoyed! 


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  1. Hi Pablo.
    I feel like you show up on every page when i search for a review. Your SEO game is out of this world. Do you do SEO for others, or can you give me some help/tips to ranking my site for reviews just like you do please? Thank you

    1. Hey Damola, thanks for the comment 😀

      It’s a bit weird to be responding to you on this post in particular, since it’s not really about Marketer Magic…but hey, let’s do it.

      Well, here’s a few things:

      1) Have a quick loading site and an SSL installed. Speed of site depends on your hosting, if you’re compressing images…and so on. There is a free plugin for both image compressing (smush) and for SSL (free SSL I think it’s called, you can also use CloudFlare).

      2) Have good On-page. I structure my posts so it’s not just a wall of text (at least I try). No stuffing, spinning…none of that. I also go overboard with my articles, and try for it to be as good as I can. Not too many people put in the work, so if you can do better, it’s better for you. Also, Youtube video embeds go a long way too. You don’t have to, but I’d recommend it (I have to do more of that myself, hehe). I also outlink, and interlink always, of course.

      3) I also target one keyphrase I’m interested in, on each post I make. Once again, this comes back to just doing more.

      The rest is just…keep doing stuff. You can also boost your posts with some social signals. I used to do this for newer products, but I’ve seen diminishing returns on those, so I don’t do any more of that. I just…do a lot of writing.

      Hope that helps, at least a bit 🙂

      1. You’re the man Pablo…especially as you really didn’t have to respond. I’ll always be grateful. I’m using cloudflare, currently embedding, and trying to bring value so I have some of the boxes checked. Not sure what stuffing or spinning means, so I guess I’m probably good there. I use Siteground ( I think they’re fast) And yes….last but not least…I am looking at Marketer Magic. I know who i’m indebted to when it comes to buying. That’ll be you my friend. Thanks again.

        1. Haha you’re very welcome! ?

          Yep. Siteground is the fastest I’m pretty sure (it’s faster than the one I’m using). Spinning is where you automatically re-write articles, using software, it doesn’t look very natural. And what I meant by stuffing, is excessively adding the keyword into the text, when there is no actual need for it (something that worked to rank in the past, but now is spammy).

  2. Christopher kapele says:

    I want to know , how it works please

    1. Hi Christopher. All the information about Marketer Magic is in this post, have you watched the video? Let me know exactly what you need help with.

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