Groove.Cm Platinum. All There Is To Know

Looking to learn more about Groove.Cm platinum? Well, you’ve come to the right place!

I’ve extensively covered Groove.Cm throughout my site, and in this short article, I’ll be going over what the Groove.Cm platinum plan is how much it costs and what tools you’ll be getting access to with it as well as pretty much any other thing there is to know about it, so that you can start using this platform as soon as possible.

Groove.Cm Platinum

Groove.Cm Platinum. What Is It?

The Groove.Cm Platinum plan, is basically the premium version of the Groove.Cm software.

It will give you all of the tools that the platform has to offer at unlimited usage (or basically, at maximum usage possible). It’s also currently the most expensive plan on the platform although it is a lot cheaper than what each of the individual tools would cost you by themselves.

How Much Does Groove.Cm Platinum Cost? 

The Groove.Cm platinum plan, currently costs $299/month, and gives you access to all 17+ tools that the platform gives (as well as future tools and updates).

You also get some additional perks, like VIP access to the GrooveKon convensions and an affiliate bump to 40% commissions, as opposed to the 20% that you would get as a free member.

Groove.Cm Platinum
Groove.Cm platinum plan pricing. This is currently the premium version of the Groove.Cm platform.

The Tools

There is a long list of tools that you’ll be getting access to, as a paying Groove.Cm platinum customer. Some of these are:


GrooveSell allows you to create your own digital products and sell them online. You can create upsells, pricing points, upsells and downsells, coupons, discounts and so on. Basically you can create a complete sales process through this app.

As a Groove.Cm platinum member, you get unlimited functionality on this tool, as well as all payment options that are available.


GrooveAffiliate allows you to both become an affiliate for high converting products within the Groove.Cm marketplace, as well as create an affiliate program for your own product. You can set payouts, commission structures, tier programs, give out automatic refunds, create contents, give commission bumps…etc.


GroovePages is the Groove.Cm page building tool that will allow you to build unlimited websites and pages that load fast, are mobile-first indexing optimized, are optimized for search engines and look absolutely stunning.

As a platinum member you get unlimited pages, funnels, custom domain integrations, all of the templates and blocks. Basically, you’re not restrained at all, as you would be when using the free Groove.Cm account.

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GrooveMail is the integrated email autoresponder software that will allow you to both store and send out emails to your contacts, create lists, create automations, add tags, create newsletters and do all of your email marketing needs.

As a Groove.Cm platinum member, you get to send emails to and store up to 25,000 contacts on your account. That equates to up to 750,000 free emails per month, which would cost you hundreds and even up to thousands of dollars per month, on some of the other alternatives out there.


This app allows you to create password protected membership sites, drip feed content to your users, lock content and create unlockable content and so on. As a platinum member, you’re not limited to the amount of courses and lessons that you’re allowed to create.


GrooveVideo is an integrated video hosting tool within the Groove.Cm platform, that allows you to host videos, see analytics, add skins, watermarks, in-video CTA and more. 

As a premium Groove.Cm customer, you’ll be able to upload unlimited videos and have unlimited storage, as opposed to only being able to upload up to 15 videos, on the free Groove.Cm base account.

Groove.Cm platinum 2
All of the different tools you’ll have available in the Groove.Cm platinum plan


GrooveCalengdar allows you to schedule events and meetings through an integrated calendar tool (which can also link up to and be sent through the integrated autoresponder GrooveMail).

GrooveSurvey & GrooveQuiz

These tools will allow you to create surveys and quizzes that you can add onto your pages to increase user engagement and interaction on your websites. The tool easily integrates with GroovePages, so there is nothing to worry about.


GrooveBlog will allow you to create your own blog-style websites, and will allow you to create similar blogs to the ones you would be able to create on WordPress sites. A little bit less powerful and flexible and won’t totally replace it, but still a nice addition.

Groove.Cm free members are only allowed to create one blog, per domain, whereas a Groove.Cm platinum member can create unlimited amounts of blogs on their domains without constraints.

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GrooveKart is a physical store building app inside of the Groove.Cm platform, which will allow you to build your own stores to sell your physical products on.

As a Groove.Cm platinum user, you’ll not only be able to create unlimited stores, but you’ll get no sales processing fee and you’ll even be able to migrate whole Shopify stores that you might have available, onto the GrooveKart platform. As a free Groove.Cm member, you only get 1 free store per domain, sales processing fee and no store migration feature. 


Groove.Cm will also have an integrated live and automated webinar hosting platform, that will allow you to create webinars to sell, teach or inform your customers or viewers, without you having to be there. 

More Tools

In addition to the tools you’ll have available to you here, you’ll also have lifetime access to future tools (which there will be many of) and also lifetime upgrades on these. 

Some of the missing tools include, GrooveStream, GrooveProof, GroovePipe, GrooveAutomation and GrooveSDK, to name a few. We’ll be coming up with future updates for them.

How To Get Groove.Cm Platinum?

To get Groove.Cm Platinum, all you have to do is follow a simple set of steps:

  1. Create A free Groove.Cm Account Here. You’ll have to add your name, create your username and add a password that you can remember.

  2. Log into your Groove.Cm dashboard, by heading over to the site aps.Groove.Cm

  3. Click on the upgrade button that should be in at the top right of the screen.

  4. Choose the platinum plan, add your information and upgrade to the plan.

Platinum Lifetime “One Time Price” Offer

Another alternative you might be interested in, is getting the lifetime version of the Groove.Cm platinum plan.

This will allow you to get the Groove.Cm Platinum, at only a one time price, and without havinng to pay the $299/month each month.

This offer is very limited and will cease to become available after the Groove.Cm launch in 2022.

The offer might not be as you’re reading this article, but you can always check out the Groove.Cm lifetime availability here.

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