GrooveFunnels Vs Teachable. Which Is The Better Option?

Website building and course creating, is not as hard as it was a decade ago. Today, you can build your online course and have a website ready to roll, with no prior knowledge of the subject, in just a few minutes The only thing that matters now, really, is to choose the right platform.

Which takes me to two options that many people ask me: “Is GrooveFunnels better than Teachable? What should I use?”

In this GrooveFunnels vs Teachable review article, I’ll try to answer the question, so that in the end you have a better understanding of what platform will be best for what you’re looking to do.

GrooveFunnels Vs Teachable

So first off, let’s look at what each of the software does, so that we can find the differences and similarities between them.

What Is GrooveFunnels?

GrooveFunnels is a sales funnel builder, and all in one digital marketing platform.

With this tool, you can create a landing page and complete websites from scratch or by using templates.

You can also sell your own digital products, create affiliate programs for those products, create your own membership sites, do email marketing campaigns and store your leads in an integrated autoresponder, host videos, do webinars…amongst other things

All under one roof.

It was created by Mike Filsaime, underneath the company GrooveDigital and came out, late 2019. It has rapidly become one of the most popular and powerful options out there, when it comes to digital marketing softwares and platforms. 

What Is Teachable?

Teachable, on the other hand, is a course content sales platform, specifically.

It is on a platform like this where you can upload your videos of whatever it is you want to teach, and once you have set this up, you can start selling your course to your target consumers.

With a platform like Teachable, you do not even have to build your website. You can use a domain name you purchased and integrate it into the system to start using their premade membership site layouts and structures, saving you the time it will take to create your own website that looks good.

Teachable is, thus, not exactly a website builder, but more so a “content storage” platform. While it does allow you to create a landing page, the entire platform is designed for uploading online courses and content.

You cannot sell physical products here, though…but when it comes to digital, you can set up and sell pretty much anything you want, from how to do email marketing, to how to play guitar, how to play chess, or even how to create a perfect loaf of bread (and yes, there is a course on that).


GrooveFunnels Vs Teachable 2

What Can I Do With GrooveFunnels?

Like I was mentioning before, GrooveFunnels allows you to do a bunch of different things, when it comes to online marketing. Here are some of the things you can do:

  • Create websites and funnels – With the help of the page builder tool GroovePages, you can create complete websites and sales funnels from scratch or by using templates, which you can then use to sell your products.

  • Email option and email marketing – GrooveFunnels has a supporting integrated tool called GrooveMail. It is an autoresponder that works perfectly with the funnel system and platform, with which you can create email capture forms, store leads and follow up with potential customers through email.

  • Affiliate program creator– GrooveFunnels allows you to create affiliate programs, with which you can have other people promoting your products for you. You have complete control over commission structure, affiliates, the traffics and conversions of each one, commission bumps, payment dates, refund dates, and so on.

  • Checkout and payment process– The integrated tool GrooveSell, allows you to create a complete payment processing stream for your digital products, and gives you full flexibility. You can set pricing, discounts, checkout pages, coupons, see revenue, cart abandons…and so on. GrooveSell is the backbone of the payment processing system of GrooveFunnels.

  • Membership sites– If your business is based on a subscription, or on drip-fed content, or even if you want to create an ongoing membership site, then you can create a recurring payment structure in GrooveFunnels, through GrooveSell, deliver it through GrooveMail, and host it on the membership tool GrooveMemebr. You can charge customers on a monthly basis, plus you can restrict the access based on the membership type that a customer subscribed to.  

Apart from this…GrooveFunnels also allows you to host your own brandable videos, create your own blogs (WordPress style), run webinars, schedule events and coaching calls, handle helpdesk support tickets and so much more.

As you can see, the GrooveFunnels system is an all-in-one digital marketing software. It does the exact function as Teachable allows you to (upload and sell your digital product) and also includes functions like complete website creation, email hosting with an autoresponder, and payment processing tool to charge customers a one-time fee or on a recurring basis if you want to do membership-based products.

What Are Some Of The Features Of Teachable?

When it comes to Teachable, like we were discussing previously, it allows you to completely automate the sales and website building process, and allows you to host your digital courses, trainings and coaching online.

Here are some of the other features of Teachable:

  • Ease of use – uploading your video courses or trainings (either through written or video version) is just like uploading videos on YouTube or adding an attachment file. You do not need to code to create a sequence of your videos or to label them or do any sort of HTML integrations or none of that. You can also delete other videos or replace them if you think an update is necessary.    
  • Analytics – Teachable comes with a complete analytics dashboard that shows your sales, lecture breakdown, video engagement, quiz scores, and a bunch more stats, for you to keep an eye on how your customers are interacting with your content, so that you can change, subtract, add or modify your content accordingly.
  • Feedback and communication– Teachable allows for a pretty cool feature, in which, in addition to seeing the analytics stats, you can actually receive feedback from your students, and communicate with them through an integrated email system. This is great, since you don’t need to get a separate tool to be able to send messages to them, although you can use third party tools like Mailchimp or Getresponse, if you want.
  • Sales and marketing – For you to actually be able to sell your course, you need to get it out there, so people know what you are offering. With Teachable, you will have access to several marketing tools that can help you do this, which is a massive plus (because as far as I know, they don’t actively promote the course for you on their feed unless it’s popular, like in the case of some other software). You can create coupons, can set up limited-time offers, promotions and so on.

Teachable is a robust solution for curse creators. With it, you can also create a landing page where you basically advertise your course.

The main difference between Teachable and GrooveFunnels is that Teachable is mostly geared towards hosting and selling your online courses, while GrooveFunnels is an all-in-one system, not specifically for digital course selling (although it can work as such) but where you can also create blogs, schedule coaching calls, run webinars, do affiliate marketing through email, and a lot more.

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Teachable backoffice. You can see sales, users, your stats, modify settings and so on

Now that we’ve looked at some of the main features and differences between GrooveFunnels and Teachable, we’ve come to the conclusion that:

  • GrooveFunnels: Will allow you to create complete websites and sales funnels, can help you price, sell and deliver your own online products and courses with its integrated tools, but can also do email marketing, schedule events, create blogs, webinars and much more, while giving you total control and flexibility.

  • Teachable: Is specifically geared towards hosting and delivering your online courses and digital products. Although you get less flexibility when it comes to creating pages, and the variety of options you have…it’s the more robust option when it comes to membership site and overall layout and delivery of the online training.

With that said, let’s now look at the pricing of both products. 

GrooveFunnels pricing

GrooveFunnels currently has a few different pricing options available:

  • Base account – This is a FREE account, which gives you access to GroovePages lite (up to 3 custom domain integrations with FREE hosting), GrooveSell (to create your digital product checkout pages) and GrooveAffiliate, which allows you to create affiliate programs, as well as sign up to promote other peoples products. You can get a Free GrooveFunnels Account Here

  • Silver Costs $99/month. And apart from giving you the tools of the base account, it also includes GrooveMail (up to 10,000 contacts) GrooveMember (to host membership sites), GrooveVideo (to host your videos) and upgrades your GroovePages lite to Pro. This means unlimited domains, products, affiliates, sites…and so on.

  • Gold – Costs $199/month. This plan, includes all of the tools of the Silver plan, but also includes some additional tools like GrooveBlog (blog builder), GrooveDesk (help desk support system), GrooveQuiz (create quizzes), GrooveCalendar (schedule events) and GrooveSurvey (creates surveys).

  • Platinum – Costs $199/month. This is the more premium version of GrooveFunnels, and gives you GrooveWebinar (live and automated) and GroovePages for Shopify, in addition to all of the tools of the Base, Gold and Silver plan.

GrooveFunnels different pricing plans. Learn more about the plans here

Teachable Pricing

Let’s now look at the different Teachable plans. There are currently three different plans, which are:

  • Basic – costs $39/month. at this plan, you can admit unlimited students, plus you can create a members-only community. You will also get access to the course creator training, a payment system, and you will pay a 5% fee for every course that you sell.

  • Pro – costs $119/month; here, you do not have to pay transaction fees. You can have up to five administrators, offer graded quizzes to your students, and receive priority customer support. You also have the option to remove the Teachable brand from your site, and you can also give your students a certificate of completion.

  • Business – The business plan costs $299/month. Here, you can have bulk student enrollment, custom user roles, and up to 20 administrators.

You can also choose to pay yearly (recommended if you’re in it for the long-term)  which will take the price down to $29, $99 and $249 respectively.

If you only have one course to offer, if you don’t mind the Teachable watermark and the slight fee on each of the sales, then I would recommend you choose the Basic plan. It’s the easiest, simplest solution, that will get you up and running asap.

If you want to be able to lift those fees, the watermark, be able to have an affiliate program, and intend on having something a bit more serious, then you should probably choose the Pro plan. 

The Business plan is best for online educational institutions that need to upload lots of classes, have tons of students (hence the import function) and have tons of teachers as well…so it’s definitely not fore everyone.

Teachable also offers a 14 day Free trial that you can use to test out the software platform, without having to pay anything. You don’t even need to add your credit card. You can simply create an account, and get started using and getting used to the platform.

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Teachable pricing plans. Three different pricing plans and the different features for each of them. You can get a free 14 day trial here (no credit card required)

GrooveFunnels vs Teachable Conclusion: What Is The Right Choice? 

Alright, so that would be the end of this GrooveFunnels vs Teachable review. 

But after all is said and done. Which is the better option for you?

Well…It really depends on what you want to do.

IF…you only want to focus on delivering the training, with everything seamlessly integrated and without needing to get too into the design aspect of things, then I’d recommend you getting Teachable.

Yes, you’ll be paying a bit more, you won’t have too much wiggle-room when it comes to creating a funnel (you don’t really need one, but if you want to generate more profits, then it’s something you want to consider) and you’ll not have some of the cool features like a free affiliate program generator (like you would, in the free GrooveFunnels plan)…but you’re still working with a dedicated course creating platform.

It’s often just better to go with the exact tool that solves the exact problem, even if it’s a bit more expensive. 

IF… however, you want to have more control of the sales pages, the funnels and also want to have the flexibility of being able to create complete websites, or doing email marketing for affiliate marketing, host your own videos or creating anything other than just a membership site to host your courses, then GrooveFunnels is the way to go.

Yes, it’s a bit more expensive to get GrooveFunnels Silver when compared to Teachable Basic, when it comes to selling your courses…but you get the upside that you can create other projects like whole websites, broad-spectrum email marketing, and so on.

My Suggestion…

I’m going to just go ahead and say (if it’s not obvious already) I think GrooveFunnels is just better regardless.

Even if your intention is getting a course set up and running asap…GrooveFunnels allows you to build much more, for a bit higher cost (if you’re thinking of Teachable Basic, otherwise it’s pretty much the same) and you’ll probably need to learn to use more tools and create other projects anyways in the future.

Even the free GrooveFunnels plan (which you can get here, or by clicking on the button at the bottom of this page) already gives you the sales funnel and website builder for free, without charging you anything, and, it already comes with the affiliate program builder too.

And so, for essentially the same price as Teachable Pro plan…you get to unchain yourself from having to use the platform for one monotonous task, and delve into more online marketing related tasks, that you’ll probably want to be able to learn and apply in the future.

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