Groove.Cm Pros And Cons. My Unbiased Opinion

Looking to learn more about the pros and cons of Groove.Cm? 

Well, in this article, I’ll be going over what I consider to be the top Groove.Cm pros and cons…as many as much as I can find (and I’ll also try to go into much detail as I can).

But what makes me even qualified to talk about this?

Well…I’ve EXTENSIVELY covered Groove.Cm, on this website that you’re on right now and I’ve been doing so since late 2019 back when Groove.Cm was only GroovePages (one of the tools).

From a complete Groove.Cm reviewto a review of affiliate program and bonuses, the pricing plans, comparison reviews to some of its main competitorsthe tools that it replaces and much more…

I’ve probably written about it, in some form or another.

I’ve also personally both bought the software myself (unlike many other people that claim the same) so I think I know what I’m talking about here.

Groove.Cm Pros And Cons 1

One last thing though, before I go into what I consider to be the pros and cons of the software, I do want to let you know:

These are just my personal opinions on the matter, and what I personally consider to be a Pro, or a Con.

So, regardless of whether or not I consider the software to be “cheap” for what it can offer, you on the other hand might not consider it to be that cheap, and the same is true with pretty much any other pros and cons.

I might think that the platform has everything I could need, whereas you might clearly notice something is missing…

I think you get the point.

With that said, let’s go over the Groove.Cm pros and cons.

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Every Tool You’ll Pretty Much Ever Need.

Groove.Cm has, pretty much everything you would ever need, when it comes to building your own online business. 

From website builder to funnel and digital product sales pipeline builder, membership site builders, an integrated email marketing platform, a webinar builder, a support desk feature, a blog builder, a scheduling tool, video hoster tool and so much more…

With Groove.Cm…you’re essentially spoiled for choice. And there is virtually nothing you can’t do.

Groove.Cm replaces over 26 different tools that you might already be paying for right now, and it’s both faster, cheaper and more modern looking than it’s direct competitor Kartra (which was co-founded by the now CEO of Groove.Cm).

All of this, underneath one roof and interconnected.

Groove.Cm Pros And Cons 2
The pages look amazing, the dashboard is modern, the tools are mostly very simple to use, you get everything underneath one roof…Groove.Cm is simply great.

Modern Technology

I don’t know what Groove.Cm is doing, but they’ve got some of the most beautiful looking software dashboards and tools I’ve seen in a long time.

The GroovePages tool, and the websites you’re able to build with it, in particular, look absolutely incredible.

The software looks just like what any software in this new decade, should look like. Crisp, slick, clean and fast.

It’s everything you would expect from a high-quality product like this one. Easy to navigate, easy to use, and overall just great, and like pretty much nothing else out there at the moment.  

The Free Plan – Insane Value

Apart from being an incredible software, Groove.Cm offers one of the most generous “free trial” offers around.

They’re not even giving you a “free trial”, per se, like is the case with many of these other software companies. Instead, they’re straight-up giving you a free account, which will give you access to lite versions of many of the tools inside the platform.

These tools are:

  • GrooveVideo: Host up to 15 free videos.
  • GrooveKart: Create and manage up to 1 free online store.
  • GrooveBlog: Bbuild out up to 1 free blog.
  • GrooveMember: 1 Free account course.
  • GrooveMail: Store up to 500 free contacts.
  • GroovePages and GrooveFunnels: Create up to 10 pages (per domain).
  • GrooveSell and GrooveAffiliate: Sell products as an owner or affiliate, with limited payment options.

This allows you to test out the software, without having to even give your credit card information (like some other companies will do).

Oh, and you get FREE hosting with the free account, on up to 3 domains.

There is pretty much no other competitor company out there (that I can think of) that is doing this.


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This means that you’ll be able to host up to 3 sites on their servers, without paying for hosting at all! All you have to do, is connect your domains (which only cost around $12 per year on any of the domain registrars) and you can host them by redirecting your domain name servers over to the Groove.Cm servers. 

Personally, I think it’s massive.

If you were to buy hosting in sites like Bluehost or Siteground, you’ll literally be spending hundreds of dollars for a 3 year contract (which I believe is the minimum amount of time you can buy). 

And Groove.Cm throws that plan out the window, and gives you the thing for free.

The Future

Another big pro for thr platform, is that the future looks very bright.

Not only will they be introducing more and more tools throughout the following years, but they also expect to be the leading all in one and digital marketing platform in the world in 2023.

Too many software as a service (SAAS) tools and products, get launched into the market almost on a daily basis and a good majority of them, and just “pump and dump” pyramid schemes or fly-by-night offers.

This means, the creators build them, sell them…and then move on to the next thing. 

And this is exactly what Groove.Cm is not.

This is not only huge and a breath of fresh air…but it also gives you an idea of the lifespan of this software. How long will it be around?

The answer to this…is probably a very long time, since it intends to always get better, always be updating and always be introducing more and more tools.

From a business perspective, they’re already established (although at the time of this writing, they’re less than 5 years old) and they’ve got some of the better names in the SAAS industry, behind them.

The people behind Groove.Cm, are the same people behind Kartra, and Kartra has been around since 2018, and has been the number one option up until now, still going strong, and has multiple thousands of customers worldwide. 

So all-in-all, you mix a great high-quality product, with a high-quality already successful team of people, and you get a solid, long-term profitable business.

Groove.Cm Pros And Cons 3
A bunch of tools services add ons, resources and so on


Support Hasn’t Been The Best.

It seems like a lot of people have been having some issues with Groove.Cm support (myself included). 

I agree that, as it stands right now, they’re a bit behind on it. 

On the flip side this is most likely because, Groove.Cm didn’t expect to grow as quickly as it did, they just didn’t have enough time to train people fast enough to keep up with the demand. 

At the launch date for example, they were going over multiple thousands of support tickets in a few hours…so there was virtually no way to keep up, which ticked off some of the customers.

Fortunately, I wouldn’t consider this a huge con at all. The company just needs to adapt by hiring more staff. They’ve already had chat support go online recently (which wasn’t there in the beginning, and is obviously crucial to have) so that’s good.

With that said, if customer support issues propagate into the future for no apparent reason…then I’d start worrying heavily about it. It’s one thing for it to happen once, but having consistent customer support issues that don’t get resolved, is a huge red flag in my opinion. 

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Groove.Cm is by no means the cheapest option out there. In fact, It’s pretty expensive for most people. With that said, you can easily spend multiple times the cost of what Groove.Cm offers you if you were to choose the alternatives, and you’d most likely need to mush together multiple of them to get something that works well. 

I’ve heard time and time again (and even lived it myself in the beginning) “Clickfunnels at $97/month, is too expensive, I can’t afford it”.

However true that might have been, that’s just for the funnel builder! 

The Groove.Cm platinum plan (of which I talk about here) costs $299/month..but it also gives you up to 10,000 email leads, unlimited videos, unlimited stores, pages, blogs, products…and so on.

So in a sense, it’s not really THAT expensive.

If you’re using multiple of these softwares together to run your online business, you can test out the Groove.Cm platform, and see if it’s best for you to migrate everything over to Groove, and save some money.

Take a look at the image below, to see what I’m referring to, so that you can compare it to what each individual tool will cost you.

Here you can see, what all the individual tools that Groove.Cm has, would cost you separately by themselves. Some of these tools, pay for the whole platform by themselves. To get a Lifetime account for Groove.Cm, check availability here. As for the free Groove.Cm version, you can get an account here. It gives you a “lite” version of all the tools on the left side.

Some Tools Aren’t Ready Yet

Another pretty big con that the platform has going for it, is that as of the writing of this article, some of the tools in the Groove.Cm suite, have not finished being developed yet. 

This is not so much a “con” to people getting into the software, later on, as it is a nuisance to those of us who have been waiting for the tools for a while. Like me.

So for example, I had been waiting for GrooveMail to be launched for over a year and a half, and it kept getting postponed and pushed back to later.

It can be somewhat annoying, if you’re buying a platform like Groove.Cm…for it then not to have everything ready and even worse, keep pushing the deadline further and further away.

As of the writing of this article, some of the tools that are yet to be built, are:

  • GrooveSDK
  • GrooveStream
  • GrooveWebinar
  • GrooveProof
  • GrooveDesk
  • GrooveSurveys

Amongst some others like GroovPipe and GrooveFunnelMapping

So for those of you who already have an alternative tool to these, you’ll probably have to keep using them until the Groove.Cm analog is ready.

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GroovePages Is A Bit Hard To Get Used To

So I was a bit hesitant to put this here…because GroovePages has gotten a LOT better over time. But I think that it’s something that is pretty much universal and true across the board.

GroovePages is not the easiest Groove app to use.

A few months back, I personally couldn’t stand getting used to it. There were some bugs, some of the actions didn’t function correctly and some features like sizing the elements…just didn’t make any sense.

Fortunately, it has gotten much much better. You can now highlight the sections a lot more easily, you can change the size of the element right then and there, and you can modify text individually or globally.

So even though GroovePages is complex…Just like with any other new software tool, it’ll take some time to get used to. If you can get over the learning curve, you’ll be golden.

GrooveFunnels Pros And Cons 3
Me going over one of my GroovePages templates. The pages look amazing…but they’re not the easiest thing to use. You’ll need some time to get comfortable.

Groove.Cm And WordPress

One of the main issues with Groove.Cm that I’ve currently been having (and I’ve seen a lot of people also having) is that we want to know, if we can host our sites, on the free Groove.Cm hosting, AND also use our WordPress sites.

As far as I can tell, there is no way for me to host my site on Groove.Cm without losing my ability to use WordPress.

WordPress is a big deal, and even though Groove.Cm has stated that they want to replace WordPress with their proprietary blogging tool GrooveBlog (a blog that you can build with GroovePages) I’m not sure how well it’ll be able to do the job that WordPress does.

So as of right now, for me personally, this is a pretty big disadvantage to the Groove.Cm platform


Groove.Cm is an amazing platform.

Price vs value, it’s still better than most other alternatives out there. The free Groove.Cm base account, is one of the most impressive free offers out there when it comes to these types of platforms.

The team behind the platform, is responsible for creating successful SAAS products in the past, and even if past performance has nothing to do with future performance, I’d bet my chips (and already have) on a team that has been successful before, any day of the week.

No platform is perfect, and even though it still has a few big issues, most of these will either be fixed by the time you’re reading this, or will be fixed in the near future.

In any case I’d keep an eye out for both quality of future tools, deadlines and customer support. If anything starts to become too shady on that side, then all of a sudden, cons could start to outweigh the pros.

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